Booking and Pricing
Espoo Tapiola
Harjuviita 12, Tapiola, 02110, Espoo. Osteopatia Avain.
Helsinki Kamppi (on Thursdays)
Urho Kekkosen katu 8 C 33, 00100 Helsinki.
Next to Kamppi shopping mall and Pür store. Door bell: Osteopaatit
You may also inquire for evening times and same day cancellations:
Matti Hokkanen, 040 1515 251, matti.hokkanen(at)
Adults (60 min.)
Osteopathic examination and treatment. Comprehensive interview for first visit.
Children under 18 (45-60 min.)
Osteopathic examination and treatment. Comprehensive interview for first visit.
Guided breath & body awareness work, bodily trauma release and walking analysis
Based on findings and personal wishes according to scheduled time.